En India, hay una mujer que abrió un banco entero, para el 1% de las mujeres.

Building for Wellbeing
Our built environment impacts individual health and defines our wellbeing, impacting and shaping mental and social care, equality, diversity and inclusion. Globally, our acute awareness of the spread of pathogens

Únete a Stop the War
«La guerra es una de las principales causas del cambio climático. La huella de carbono de los ejércitos, la destrucción de edificios, suministros de agua y tierras agrícolas, y el

Finishing Touch Going the distance Walking 10,000 steps a day is confirmed to reduce the health risks of being inactive, Australian scientists say https://www.spabusiness.com/index.cfm?pagetype=features&codeID=37239&viewtype=online&email=direccion@thewellbeingplanet.org&pub=SBe&date=240801 Estudia con nosotros Programas Anuales Viaja

Losing Myself
Losing Myself is the first architecture project to examine dementia by bringing together perspectives from neuroscience, anthropology, health, art, media and design. Losing Myself is the first architecture project to

The great escape
Dr Marc Cohen explores the demographics, motivations and experiences of retreat guests around the world. https://www.spabusiness.com/index.cfm?pagetype=features&codeID=37271 Unete a nuestros viajes Viajes